Quality & Sustainability

No compromise, never ever

All GerBan products are 100% machine-processed. Neither chemicals nor other additives are used during the processing of the fibre.

Sustainability plays a key role at GerBan: Worker safety and the environmental impact are essential to GerBan’s production design.

All raw material is carefully selected and controlled. GerBan enjoys long term relationships with its raw material suppliers and refrains from spot shopping.

Continuous quality control and pre-shipment inspections by independent agencies ensure world market quality. All products are pressed in GerBan’s own baling house – this prevents contamination with other parties’ materials.

ISO 9001 certificate

We are a Sedex member and committed to sourcing resonsibly and having an ethical and sustainable supply chain. Using Sedex tools and services helps us to work with our stakeholders to ensure they are upholding safe, ethical and sustainable business practices helping us to protect the working conditions for people working in our supply chain.